Company: Beecom INC Corporation 
Business Nature: 分销/代理  韩国佰勤株式会社 / 广州市佰勤贸易有限公司_logo
Country/Region: Korea 
Hall No.: E1 
Zone No.:
Booth No.: E1.D41 

Profile in English:
Beecom INC Corporation was established in 2000, headquarter is in Seoul, Korea, and branch offices are in Shanghai and Guangzhou. We focus on cyanides industry, and we're the head distributor of Seoan Chemtec, Incheon Chemical, Chung Wha Sa, Ilsung Chemical, our products include copper cyanide, brass salt (Sodium Copper Cyanide), imitation gold, zinc cyanide and other plating materials.

Classification of Exhibits:
  • 2 Pre-treatment Technologies
  •   2.01 Soak Cleaning
  •   2.08 Other Pre-treatment
  • 3 Electroplating Solutions
  •   3.01 Copper Plating
  •   3.04 Zinc & Zinc Alloy Plating
  •   3.08 Plating on PCB & Electronics
  • 5 Surface Treatment
  •   5.08 Electrophoretic Coating